Crazy Viewers

Monday, August 1, 2011


Ever felt like, even if you have the friends to talk to and the partner to share everything with your sill alone?

I guess a lot of things are better left unsaid  because when you know that the person you depend on at work the most thinks that you incapable, you start feeling like you wanna end it all... i know this person doesn't matter in your life, but then i am the kinda guy that gets hurt easily and tend to take things personally.  Well just remember, this person is given this responsibility just BECAUSE of me. I am the one who chose the person. Buddy you've been there for 4 years, and YES i got the job, hired from outside. Says something about your capabilities?

I have done enough. I need a break. If you know what i am talking about, then your probably working with me and know what i have done for the company. if not, well i'm just cribbing.